Discover the Healing Power of Prayer

sunset on beach, healing power of prayer

Check out our podcast

Are you looking for some inspiration and spiritual insights during the week?

Guests share how God has guided, protected, and healed them in all kinds of situations. If you’re looking for healing in your life, the Sentinel Watch Podcast is for you.


Sentinel Watch Podcast

July 15- July 21
Topic: Our role in world events
Guest: Lynn Jackson

July 22 – July 28
Topic: Struggling with self-worth? (part 2)

Guest: Allison J. Rose-Sonnesyn

Listen by phone (332) 255-6789 and online (see the media player below)


There are more choices on the player below:

  • Teen Connect: deals with issues important to young adults
  • A testimony of healing
  • Daily Lift Podcast (usually less than 5 minutes)


spiritual healing podcast

Tony Lobl—Christian Science practitioner, writer, and speaker—hosting the Sentinel Watch program from London, England.