What do you do when life get difficult?
Christie will share ideas and explore ways to pray when challenges come up. She’ll talk about the rock of Truth that provides a sure foundation right when we need it the most.
Good Friday Program:
7:15 pm EST: Seasonal music by Matthew Hammond & Davya Flaharty.
Join us after the talk for a few hymns and healing songs from the ‘Love Only Grows’ album by Matthew Hammond and Davya Flaharty.
Bring the kids too!
Diane Allison will take them on an adventure
with a Easter puppet show and other fun activities.
Child care and all activities are free.
There will be a live simultaneous Spanish translation for Spanish speakers.
You can watch online at ThirdChurchNYC.com or listen in English via conference phone call: +1 646 558 8656, Meeting ID: 825 1716 6553.
See our website for more details.
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Christie Hanzlik, CS has served as a Journal-listed Christian Science Practitioner since 2010. She also served on the Board of Lectureship from 2013 to 2016. Christie’s passion is working as a Christian Science Practitioner at summer camp. Christie serves as chair for the Christian Science Committee for Institutional Work in Colorado, and she serves on the Board of Directors for the Campership Fund, a national funding organization that helps send kids to Christian Science camps and events. She loves to partner with Christian Science Nurses and has given several talks to Christian Science Nursing facilities and has addressed Christian Science Associations each year since 2013. She is also active in her branch church, with a focus on Outreach, the Reading Room, and Sunday School. Christie lives in Boulder with her two sons and husband, and shares a back fence with her dad.