Finding Where God Is Seen and Felt – What’s Church Got to Do with it?

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Finding Where God Is Seen and Felt – What’s Church Got to Do with it?

May 3, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us for the in-person, live lecture

Emra Farkas will share some fresh ideas about where to find God



We all need to find God in our lives. According to Emra Farkas, church is one of the best places to do that.

Emra will talk about experiencing God’s presence and how church plays an important role in the process.

Join us Friday, May 3 at 7:00 pm ET
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Manhattan
10 West 68th Street
(Central Park West and 68th)


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Emra Farkas, CSB learned to pray for healing from her mother and her years in the Christian Science Sunday School. During her college years she drifted away from church. But after working in New York City in galleries and museums her interest in spirituality was rekindled. After moving to Taos, New Mexico she enjoyed a career in music and started her family. After some years of poor health, a sudden spiritual insight led her back to Christian Science and an instantaneous healing of multiple chronic illnesses. Emra is now a Christian Science practitioner and teacher, living in Santa Fe, NM.


May 3, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm


Manhattan, First Church of Christ, Scientist
(212) 877-6100


Manhattan, First Church of Christ, Scientist
10 West 68th Street
New York, NY 10023 United States
+ Google Map
(212) 877-6100
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