Humility that “Overcomes the World”

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Humility that “Overcomes the World”

May 22, 2021

Join us for this LIVE Webinar

Mark McCurties will explore the power of humility

In this live webinar, Mark will talk about the humility Christ Jesus lived on a daily basis, how it empowered him to accomplish so much, and how we can take this same approach in our lives.

He will cover things like:
•  What is true humility?
•  How humility connects us to God
•  How it brings healing into our lives

This is a live webinar:
Saturday, May 22  •  2:00 pm

To watch online:
Click this link to attend at the time of the webinar

To listen by phone:
Call (929) 205-6099 then 862-0139-3798#


There is great need for healing in the world today,
and Christlike humility can help us meet that demand.


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Mark McCurties, CS has loved the Bible since he was a little boy. He still finds strength in reading how Bible characters overcame all kinds of challenges: war, famine, corruption, hatred, disease, and sin, to name a few. He has seen the same healing power found in the Bible operating in his own life and since 2010 has been a Christian Science Practitioner, devoting his life to helping others find healing. He lives in St. Louis.



May 22, 2021


Katonah, NY First Church of Christ, Scientist
(914) 232-3842
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