
Working Better Together: Healing Thoughts talk at High Ridge House

High Ridge House 5959 Independence Avenue, Bronx, NY, United States

Join us for our monthly Healing Thoughts talk at High Ridge House To hear the live stream, go to Friday, February 21 a few minutes before 3:00 pm High Ridge House hosts these inspirational talks on the 3rd Friday of every month at 3:00 pm You

Breaking News – Freedom Is Ours Now

Spartan NJ, First Church of Christ, Scientist 144 Woodport Road, Sparta

Patricia Woodard will lecture on Christian Science and the healing power of prayer in Summit, NJ, December 14 at 2:00 pm.

Humility that “Overcomes the World”

Midland Park, NJ: First Church of Christ, Scientist 259 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park, NJ, United States

Join us for this in-person Lecture Mark McCurties will explore the power of humility   Mark will talk about the humility Christ Jesus lived on a daily basis, how it empowered him to accomplish so much, and how we can take this same approach in our lives.

Finding Where God Is Seen and Felt – What’s Church Got to Do with it?

Greenwich, CT: First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 Park Place, Greenwich, CT, United States

Join us for the in-person, live lecture Emra Farkas will share some fresh ideas about where to find God     We all need to find God in our lives. According to Emra Farkas, church is one of the best places to do that. Emra will talk
Study (or listen to) the eBible Lesson • Connect with an online community • Read an article on JSH Online • Contact a Christian Science practitioner
• And much, much more. . .

Read the Book

Science&Health sterling edtn
First published in 1875 and read by over eight million people. Christian Scientists call Science and Health their textbook.

The Good News

Christian Science Monitor
The Christian Science Monitor is an international newspaper that has been winning Pulitzers for over 100 years. There's a daily (more like hourly) digital version and a weekly print magazine.

Sentinel Watch Podcast

internetRadio-logo Listen to daily and weekly podcasts including Sentinel Watch, For Teens, Testimony of Healing, and the award-winning Your Daily Lift.